Das Planetenparty Prinzip



Just imagine you're on an (almost) real internship in an (almost) real company. You're filing documents, making coffee while, next to you, people are typing, calculating, talking on the phone. Fast breathing, irritated voices, someone starts to shout. You notice immediately that there is a lack of leadership here. You go to the photocopier with a mountain of paper. Is it really still necessary to do everything analogue? Someone calls you, but there is no one there. Somewhere deep inside you hear this voice. Softly, but with great determination: "Don't you know better?" "PUTSCH" is an interactive theatre piece in which the audience actively participates as a player and immerses itself as a fictitious trainee in a somewhat strange piece of everyday life in an office. The performance offers the opportunity to rebel for once in your life the way you have always secretly wanted to, with all this in a genuine office, at ENW in Theodor-Körner-Strasse!

A La Strada co-production in cooperation with Landestheater Linz, Schäxpir Festival Linz and Play On!

A project at La Strada 2023.

Dates and information

ENW Gemeinnützige Wohnungsgesellschaft (Theodor-Körner-Straße 120): 

1/8, 2/8, 3/8/2023 / 10 am & 2 pm

Length: 140’ / Recommended from age 14

A coproduction with La Strada Graz in cooperation with the Landestheater Linz, 
Schäxpir Festival Linz and Play On!

With the friendly assistance of: ENW Gemeinnützige Wohnungsgesellschaft



Director: Simon Windisch 
Dramaturgy: Christine Härter, Nele Neitzke
Production Management: Nora Köhler
Production assistance: Marlen Weingartmann  
Software Development: Michael Faschinger

Concept/Gamedesign/Technical Overhead: Leonie Bramberger 
Concept/Gamedesign: Moritz Ostanek 
Stage and costumes: Andrea Meschik 
Hardware, Audio- & Network technology: Max Ederer, Stefan Bauer, Thomas Baumgartner 
Performer Coach: Victoria Fux 
Music: Robert Lepenik 
Performer/Audio: Nora Winkler 
Performer: Azlea Wriessnig, Leo Plankensteiner 
Performers Graz: Angelina Schallerl, Mo Roth, Katja Breitegger, Carmen Schabler, Elena Trantow, Amelie Schmidt, Felix Scheuer, Irina Höller, Valentina Erler, Greta Zaar, Martin Brischnik, Lena Hanetseder, Kerstin Pichler, Antonia Orendi, Paul Zinell

La Strada

25. Juli - 2. August 2025

Opernring 12 / A-8010 Graz

Telefon: +43 316 26 97 89

INFORMATIONEN: +43 316 26 97 89


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